- Brief
- Typical
Shipbuilding industry in China is focused on Bohai, Yangtze and Pearl River estuary area. The development of China shipbuilding requires to make and process key parts by ourselves.
The parts in this industry is usually of large size. Neway machines are designed stronger and with higher torque performance and butting ability. They are more reliable and the gantry/portal machines are designed with longer travel for large size parts like bed seat or frameworks.
Typical Workpiece
Motor Engine
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Heavy product needs machines of powerful torque, high rigidity and stablization. Neway gantry milling center mmay fulfil the need. It works at a large range, efficient cutting, good feeding rate with optical linear scales.
Model recommended:
PM Series Gantry type milling centers
Basic requirement:
special device: universal milling head;
OP10 bottom process;
OP20 use universal head to finish milling, drilling and boring on both sides